2009 calendar updated!!!

Monday, June 30, 2008

Runners - Siemens Run 2008

Date: 6 July 2008
Time: 7.15am
Venue: Dataran Merdeka

  1. Fairul - A0145
  2. Shahrizal - A0146
  3. Suriati - B2278
  4. Sumarni - D4211
  5. Suraiyah - D4212

Runners - Jelajah KSN 2008

Date: 12 July 2008 (Saturday)
Time: 6.45am
Venue: Stadium Bukit Jalil

  1. Fairul
  2. Suriati
  3. Suraiyah
  4. Sumarni
  5. Izzat

Runners - Adidas King Of The Road

Date: 10 August 2008
Time: 6.45am
Venue: Dataran Shah Alam (argghhh oil)


  1. Fairul - A
  2. Shahrizal - B
  3. Suriati - D
  4. Suraiyah - E
  5. Sumarni - E


  1. Estelle Looi - G


  1. Izzat - P

McDonald Olympic Run 2008

Date: 29 June 2008
Time: 7.40am
Distances: 7km and 3km (Iylia je)
Runners: The Sanusi anak beranak laki bini, technical boys (Haizan, Hasif) and of course The Thing.

My first race after my wedding. I missed quite a lot of races since Bernama TV went 24 hours since 28 Feb. That plus pre and post wedding, I gain about 5 kgs and my speed went yuck.

So for today's race I took it slow, like I ran for the very first time. And for the very first time too, I'm running with my hubby and he'd slowed down his pace so we could run together, hahahah. Thank you babe.

What can I say about today's race? It is only 7km, same ole route, quite a few of hills and surprisingly there was a water station. I did not expect that at all.

Oh yes, there was this girl, category F, she kept pacing with me. I do not mind actually, tapi kalau ye pun nak pacing, jangan la rapat sangat. I got very irritated with the bumping and gesel-ing so I slowed down to a stage where she would think I was slowing down to walk. As soon as she started walking, I continue running. And I kept doing that for a few times, towards the end I think she just gave up. Hahahah, padan ngan muka dia.

Everybody went ahead of me, except for Alang. His daughter Sarah also running, so Alang has to be the caddy, bawak air, kain tuala, first aid, duit teksi .... Bagus la Alang.

At the square, as usual ada Milo and then there were also Ribena, Vitagen. I was expecting Cheese Burger or Beef Burger, but unfortunately takde. Apara, kata McDonald... tapi takde those things, tak mcdonald la.

Well that's it for this race. Next week, Siemens run 10k. Hmmmm.... With extra baggage in my butt and thight, not to mention my not-that-keras-anymore muscle kaki, could I still do it? We shall see.

By Suriati Sanusi

Friday, June 20, 2008